ACES WEEKLY Volume 13 Week 3 starts here!

Exclusive benefits to subscribers are usually announced via our direct mailings, but as all of you lucky people reading this here right now are certain to be our excellent subscribers, here's as good a place as those mailings to tell you of our next selection of original art pieces going into our subscribers-only prize draws. I'm pleased to say that our terrific regular Ace contributor, Jok, has done a clutch of wonderful sepia watercolour sketches for this purpose, featuring the characters from the Dungeons and Burglars stories you've all been enjoying in recent volumes!  You'll soon be seeing these pictures posted on our Facebook page in all their glory.  One after the other they'll be given out as the prizes every month in our free prize draws for subscribers only!  Another benefit to being an Aces Weekly subscriber.

Our Aces go that extra mile to give you more on Aces Weekly. No other comic art magazine does that. You are with the best, reading the best, created by the best - and we always strive to make you happy : )

Remember, we always want to hear from you. Ask questions, talk to us all, post to our blog, and see us over at