ACES WEEKLY Volume 15, Week Seven!

This week sees the conclusion of two of our longest-running serials : The First Gentleman Of The Apocalypse takes the cliche of futuristic science-fiction apocalypse scenarios, turns it on its head, and uses it to makes a satire of everything pompous and self-regarding in society.  By Batton Lash, who came to the attention of Aces Weekly first through the amazing, ' Wolff and Byrd : Counselors of the Macabre ', wherein a duo of defense lawyers make it their speciality to represent creatures of the supernatural. If you're unaware of that series, but the theme sounds familiar to you, it's because it was ' borrowed ' by others... We have been privileged to have Batton with us.
Our other concluding story is the intriguing and complex, Parassassin, by Jasper Bark, Alfa Robbi, Yel Zamor and Dave Evans.  I've never read any strip quite this intricate, and maybe you haven't either, but it was refreshing to see those twists and turns challenging us, and making us think, instead of the usual of most comics sf : a tide of superficial effects and action. The thing these two stories have in common is that you'd likely not have seen them anywhere else than in Aces Weekly, where creators express their ideas with the maximum of freedom in the stories they make to entertain you.  We'll be back with some more like this - as well as some that are nothing like it - on May 4th for Volume 16!
Goodbye for now - see you again in very soon : )

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