ACES WEEKLY Volume 17, Week 5!

Hi, readers.  It's good to be back doing what I enjoy doing after last week's necessary distraction...  News this time is of Dublin Comic Con, where your dedicated publisher will be doing what he always does at such shows - telling everyone what we're up to here at Aces Weekly.  If you're nearby, please come and say hi.  There are tickets still available to come see a bunch of great comic creators, including two of Ireland's finest, together with a mix from other, less important, areas of the entertainment media... Also making a visit to the show will be the writer of a great serial we'll be running in Volume 18, called ' Older Than The Hills ', which is not going to let you go from the minute you start to read it.  Martin Hayes is the writer, Chris Askham is the artist.  One page is in Extras for you to see.  You'll have to wait a while for the rest...

Remember, we always want to hear from you. Ask questions, talk to us all, post to our blog, and see us over at