ACES WEEKLY Volume 17, Week Seven.

Welcome to Aces Weekly,Volume 17,which is being put together at the very moment  I'm writing this final note of introduction to you!  One of the great advantages of digital delivery is that we don't need a crazy long lead-time for publication so printers can schedule huge energy-guzzling rolling machines that gulp up reams of dead trees to spread gallons of ink onto.  No - we just slot our art in like a slice of bread in our home toaster, and it comes out looking hot and delicious through any one of your screens in your home.  And so much better for the trees...

This is the final week of Volume 17 ( yes... yes... sorry... choke! ) BUT we'll be back in 3 weeks - on September 7th with 200 pages more!  See you all again, then!

Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you. Ask questions, talk to us all, post to our blog, and see us over at  where you can contact all of our Aces, past and present, and ask them whatever you want to!  About anything! Well, maybe not everything...