Valley Of Shadows
Buddy Chaplin hasn't got much going for him. His marriage has failed, he's stuck in a dead end job and his prospects are zero. Gloom hangs over Buddy like the dark clouds that hover over New Los Angeles. But life is about to take an unexpected twist for Buddy Chaplin in the valley of shadows.... In Volume One!
Art and Script : David Lloyd ; Plot : David Lloyd and David Jackson.
© 2012 David Lloyd & David Jackson
blue cat
Life for some unlucky teens can be tough - peer pressure, drugs, the break down of the family. The last thing Cindy Sparks needs is for her life to take a turn for the weird... In Volume Two!
Script: James Hudnall Art: Val Mayerik Letters: Tom Orzechowski
©2012 James Hudnall & Val Mayerik
Shoot For The Moon
Story, art & colours by Alexandre Tefenkgi & Mauricet
To reach for the stars, to break the bonds of Earth, for some this is a lifelong dream, but rivalry and ambition can sometimes go hand in hand with such noble aspirations... In Volume One!
©2012 Alain Mauricet & Alexandre Tefenkgi
Return Of The Human
1000 years after humanity abandoned a poisoned Earth to build an empire across the stars, one man returns, and finds the Mother Planet is more than anyone suspected. But will it be enough to save his Galactic Civilisation from an attempt to exterminate mankind?
Here are ten sample pages of an epic sf story told in a revolutionary manner, using full-screen panels with varying captions... Enjoy! Then go to BUY for the full first two episodes in Volumes 1 and 3!
© 2013 Mark Wheatley & JC Vaughn.
catalyst island
In a place far away, at a time long ago a catastrophe sets off a series of epic, mythological events...In Volume Two!
Script & Art : Henry Flint © 2012 Henry Flint
Script by Phil Hester. Art by John McCrea. Colours by Matthew Wilson. Letters by Marshall Dillon
A spaceship has crashed upon a primitive planet. Amidst the wreckage lie the dead and the dying. The prisoner carried by the spaceship is missing and the crew are as worried about that as they are about being marooned on a strange world light years from their home planet... In Volume One!
©2012 John McCrea & Phil Hester
Welcome to our first FREE SAMPLE, which features three opening chapters from Volume 1 and three opening chapters from Volume 2 of ACES WEEKLY.
As well as the creators featured in this Free Sample, Volumes 1 and 2 showcase the talents of JC Vaughn, Mark Wheatley, David Hitchcock, Lew Stringer, Carl Critchlow, Algesiras, Yishan Li, Kathryn Layno, Benjamin Dickson, Gavin Mitchell, David Leach, Mychailo Kazybrid, Bambos Georgiou, Esteban Hernandez & Rory Walker.