More mayhem and mirth with Bolgir Quickhands and Ednor The Inquisitive in the fantasy world of Dungeons & Burglars! And there's much more in Volumes 9 to 13...
Script: Magnus. Art: Dario Brabo.
© 2014 Magnus and Dario Brabo.
Read Complete with Week-to-Week.
Sicarios Volume One: Olmito
A great new gritty crime drama starts here...
Script: Roberto Corroto. Art: Ertito Montana. Color: KoH
© 2015 Corroto, Montana & KoH
Read Complete with Week-to-Week.
He's back and he's off the bus! A new chapter in the quest of the dapper First Gentleman of the Apocalypse. Get up to speed in Volumes 5, 7, 10 and 12!
© 2014 Batton Lash
Read Complete with Week-to-Week.
A welcome return to Aces Weekly for this fascinating futuristic conspiracy thriller. See Volumes 8 and 9 to catch up!
Writer: Geoffrey D Wessel. Artist: Neil Ford. Letterer: Jim Campbell.
© 2015 Geoffrey D Wessel and Neil Ford
Read Complete with Week-to-Week.
In Volume 4 of Aces Weekly, comic-book legend, Herb Trimpe, introduced us to a new team of aviation heroes. Now we are proud to bring you their secret origin – collated from redacted files and top secret notes from WW2 archives...
© 2014 Herb Trimpe
Read Complete with Week-to-Week.
Reading this as a collected volume? Use our Week-to-Week system to read each serialized story from start to finale by just jumping to the next week's episode as soon as you've read each one!
ACES WEEKLY Volume 14 and 2015 both start here.
Aces Weekly is an extraordinary publication in more ways than one. Many of our Aces make extraordinary efforts to contribute to us in the spaces they find between other commitments, because they believe in the pioneering that we do, so time shortage for them is a cloud that looms over us of an especially heavier nature at holiday times like these, when there are holiday events to prepare for. So, for a very short while before we published this volume, we were thinking we might need to delay it. But we soon discovered we didn't need to : ) Despite the time constraints, we're here on schedule thanks to those Aces who went that extra mile to make certain we did! Don't ever doubt our dedication to do our very best for you - and we'll keep doing that as we travel into the New Year and beyond.
May you all have a terrific 2015!
Remember, we always want to hear from you. Ask questions, talk to us all, post to our, and see us over at