ACES WEEKLY Volume 15.

Reading this as a collected volume?  Use our Week-to-Week system to read each serialized story from start to finale by just jumping to the next week's episode as soon as you've read each one!

When I started reading comics, and was a beginner at creating my own, I couldn't find more than just a little instruction to help me learn the craft of it all. Now, there's lots more info out there - in print and on the net - but it's not all good. For any of you out there who are like I was then, Aces Weekly is going to offer a new service: some good tips and hints on how you create comic art : )  More on this in coming weeks, but let me start by directing you to . This was set up by your publisher and one of our Aces, Steve Marchant, for a specific location of reader, but among the things relevant to those users it recommends a great range of books - all endorsed by working creators - that are useful to anyone anywhere setting their sites on telling stories the way we do in Aces Weekly. 

As I said, there'll be more on this later - but for now let me wish you the best time enjoying this first of our seven-week extravaganza - Volume 15!

Remember, we always want to hear from you. Ask questions, talk to us all, and post to us at and