Where's a hero when you really need one? Right here!
Script : Massimo Rosi ; Art : Giulio Bilisari.
© 2018 Massimo Rosi and Giulio Bilisari.
Little Izzy android and a regular robot dredged from the depths of a flooded Earth become allies in an extraordinary journey...
Script: Katie Cunningham. Art : Heather Fisher.
© 2018 Katie Cunningham and Heather Fisher.
Catch up in Volume 27.
Damon Runyon's story ' Princess O'Hara ' is adapted by Paul Duncan & Phil Elliott.
A New York story from a time gone by, when the streets were quieter, and the world seemed easier to understand...
© 2018 Paul Duncan & Phil Elliott.
Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 33, Week One!
This 7-week volume is now complete, and you can use our exclusive Week2Week facility to read all of its episodic strips from their opening to their finale! Just jump from one week to the next via the indicated links in the story pages!
Once upon a time, digital art meant ' tech '! Things not paper! Something else! Weird stuff! Whoaah! Then people realised that you could scan any and all artwork produced by any traditional well-known practical means and then use it for any digital purpose you needed it for. So, you didn't have to exclusively work digitally for appearance in a digital medium! Freedom from all fear of a ' tech ' club followed and made people realise that the ' sculptural ' art of pen/brush on paper in art creation would not necessarily be dispensed with in the tech age, however sophisticated things seemed to become. Digital delivery was/is the most important benefit of cyberspace comics publishing, not digital creation. But one important difference of value still exists between a digital art product and a practical one. Though an artist's raw personality is the same whether it's expressed on a graphics tablet or on paper, an original on paper or board has a chunk of the artist himself ingrained into it, which makes it an especially valuable object in contrast to a digital one. Our latest prize-winner seems to have agreed with that viewpoint enthusiastically enough to have posted a pic of his win to us. Thank you, Jeremy! And we're glad to have you with us! Jeremy Dunn's great pic will be in our Extras section soon for those of you not lucky enough to have seen it in other social media thus far... : )
Remember, we always want to hear from you. Ask questions, talk to us all, post to www.acesweeklyblog.co.uk, and see us over at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!