Previously : A cop at the top of his game is mysteriously murdered, and while his tough ex-partner, Walsh, seeks the killer in his own uncompromising manner, a team of detectives assigned to the task continue in their methodical exploration of the crime scene...
Catch up fully in Volume 39!
© 2019 Jok and Santullo
Being here can be just an illusion...
Script and Art by Thiva de Souza
© 2019 Thiva de Souza
The present and the past, and the myth of it all...
Script : Josh Spiller ; Art : Kishore Mohan ; Letters : Bolt-01
© 2019 Josh Spiller and Kishore Mohan
Lots of fun in the great tradition of India Jones from our regular Ace, Anthony Zicari, with artist, Claudio Sepulveda!
© 2019 Anthony Zicari and Claudio Sepulveda
Siriana - a new heroine? Let's wait and see. It's what storytelling is all about...
Script : Roberto Corroto Cuadrado ; Art : Adrian Gutierrez.
© 2019 Roberto Corroto Cuadrado and Adrian Gutierrez
Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 40, Week One!
This 7-week volume is now complete, and you can use our exclusive Week2Week facility to read all of its episodic strips from their opening to their finale! Just jump from one week to the next via the indicated links in the story pages!
Yes, friends, we're at Aces Weekly, Volume 40. It's another great milestone for us that I'm very happy to have reached, so, in this first week's introduction, the only thing I want to say, for myself and every one of our great Aces, is a big thank you to you all for getting us to this point on the road. Stay with us, there's lots more up ahead... : )
Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you! Ask questions, talk to us all, post to and see us over at Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!