Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 66, Week Three!
Friends, For this New Year's Day intro I planned a simple wish for good things for all you fabulous readers, but having heard of the recent passing of one of the true titans of comics art, I'm bound to mention it here, not only because it should be brought to the attention of any of you who may yet be unaware of it, but also because it should be brought to the attention of those who may yet be unaware of the artist himself, whose work did not span the globe as the work of some other titans has. But superior art never did depend on the unlimited spread of it. John M. Burns was also a massive inspiration to me, and to many others, as a paragon of what could be achieved in this still undervalued medium of art and design that we present here for you every week. If there is an optimistic message from this event that can lift our spirits in the way that planned new year greeting might, it's this - the legacy of his work will keep inspiring artists in the same way his work inspired me when I needed it ; a blessing of an example to push us to do our best. And the best is what we always need in this world. Happy New Year, everyone... : ) And stay safe!
Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you! Ask questions, talk to us at our blog or at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!