Time for refreshments...
© 2024 Roberto Corroto and Ertito Montana
Get more Sicarios in Vols 14,19,23,27,31, 37, 59, 63, 64, 65 and 68!
Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 69, Week FIVE!
Friends, I'm beginning this week's intro by letting you that one of our fine Aces is the co-originator of the biggest comics art event on the planet! If you're new to this crazy world we all inhabit and you're scratching your head to figure out what that might be, I can tell you it means only one thing to most of us : the San Diego Comic Con! The Ace in question is the great Scott Shaw!, whose extraordinary satire on the home nursing business, Kilgore Home Nursing, can be seen and chuckled at in Aces Weekly Volume 66. If you're lucky enough to have a ticket for the big SDCC show this year, please go say hi to Scott if you can at that very place he helped bring into existence, because he's going to be there in the well-deserved position of Special Guest from July 24th onward, and I'm sure he'd love to see you... : ) Stay safe, everyone, wherever you are!
Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you! Ask questions, talk to us at our blog or at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!