Episode Three : Horse Mown, Moon Shine.
Catch up in Volumes 66, 67, 69 and 70!
© 2025 Andrew Cheverton and Tim Keable
Back to the battering...
© 2025 Roberto Corroto and Ertito Montana
Get more Sicarios in Vols 14, 19, 23, 27, 31, 37, 59, 63, 64, 65, 68 to 71!
No time for room service...
Script : Lee Robson ; Art : Bryan Coyle
© 2025 Lee Robson and Bryan Coyle
Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 72, Week Three!
Friends, If you're anything like me, you grew up thinking California was as much the stuff of comics as superheroes are. It was a place of myth and gold and glamour. Where the blessed and the talented could go to live under warm blue skies and thrive in comfort. Now, it's like something out of Tales to Astonish, and sad on many levels, for the blessed, the talented, and all other Californians seeing a world turned upside down they imagined had some kind of permanence. If the event has anything to tell all of us non-Californians, it's that nothing is certain in the world so prepare for change whether you believe it will happen or not. As California will always be from the comics, I know it will recover from the supervillain of this disaster and rewrite itself, but we may not all be so resurrectable in a universe that gets stranger and more astonishing every day... : ( Stay safe, everyone!
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