Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 72, Week Six!

Friends, A bunch of British creators - including myself - are often invited to varying comics events outside the UK that are happily sponsored by commercial and cultural bodies of various kinds. Here we have a dearth of such events. Sure, we have a few, but only a very few that can afford to import international art talent, and those that do need the backup of other talent to ensure adequate footfall. One of these events had to cancel its show recently because the LA wildfires had the sad effect of causing too many planned movie/tv guests to cancel. But why was that show's viability built entirely on the availability of that particular group, the absence of which has the effect of once again leaving the artists who have, in many cases, initiated the movies the cancelled talent might have populated, barred from meeting their admirers, and relegated to the second-class status that the originators of great comics have too often had to suffer in contrast to those who've benefited from them to some higher level.  From what I've seen, other countries seem to have a much greater love for comics on a general cultural level than we have ever shown here in the UK, despite our central importance in the history of them. I'm guessing that's never going change, because there's a considerably greater love for what literature alone can do in our culture than for what word and picture can do in combination.  Of course, here at Aces Weekly we love everything as long as it floats our boat, and the only reason we give preferential treatment to what we present here is because that's just what we do, will always do, and will always fly the banner for!  We trust that you will always do the same, and maybe, maybe, that way, things will eventually turn out much more for the better... : )  Stay safe, all!

Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you!  Ask questions, talk to us at our blog or at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!