As invaders and invaded fight for ground in skirmishes around the countryside, Merlin and Hector have continued their dedicated search for the location of the magician's mother... and now they seem close...
© 2020 Jok and Santullo.
Catch up fully with this great fantasy tale through Volumes 32-38 and 44-46!
So, you wanna try an auto-drive, eh..?
Script : Colleen Douglas ; Art : Marcelo Salaza
© 2020 Colleen Douglas and Marcelo Salaza
Amidst the mist of terrible terrors, a fearless femme has been dragged to Hell, and she must be rescued! Can it be done in this cross between The Sweeney and the back-end of Hammer's best? Yes, we believe and we hope, in this wonderful tribute to both..!
© 2020 Martin Hayes and Alfie Gallagher
PLEASE catch up in Volumes 21 and 31!
Come say hi to a new PI..!
Art : Manoel Magalhaes ; Script : Gary Phillips.
© 2020 Manoel Magalhaes and Gary Phillips.
The dark but beautiful adventures of two people fated to fight the fearful...
© 2020 David Brana and Olga Carmona
Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 47, Week One!
This 7-week volume is now complete, and you can use our exclusive Week2Week facility to read all of its episodic strips from their opening to their finale! Just jump from one week to the next via the indicated links in the story pages!
As we move into Autumn and away from a Summer of very high heat that many friends have suffered from for too long, a little thing called Halloween comes to mind - that time of the year that a bunch of our volumes have run up close to in the past and tributed through appropriate content. This year, however, by the strange twists of time and the calendar, we've been swerved away from any publishing on that special day, so I'm glad to say that our line-up in lieu of it has kind of... made one we baked earlier... You may not see it all now, but things will get ghostlier as go and weirder as we wander in this particular cornucopia of the creepy that we call Aces Weekly Volume 47... But of course - and as always - it's all just for fun and created with love by some of the finest talents on the planet Earth and from all across its many continents! Welcome again, friends. And keep staying very safe... : )
Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you! Ask questions, talk to us all, post to, and see us over at Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!