Light as a feather but heavy, man...
© 2023 Gary Whitlock.
See more from Drell and Gary in Vols 7,13, 24, 35, 39, 49, 55, 56, and 58!
A lesson in rioting...
© 2023 Félix LAURENT -The Rover. Font : Iconian
Fonts. Proofreading : Diane Clarissou.
This story is dedicated to Raphaël Terrier.
Velicity's back!
© 2023 Lee Robson and Bryan Coyle
Catch up with the other great adventures of secret agent Velicity Jones in Volumes 29,37,41, 45, and 54!
The massed troops of the Dursian Army begin their advance from Outpost Z to conquer the land of the savages...
© 2023 Pablo Barbieri and Jorge Luis Gabotto
Catch up with Outpost Z in Vols 59, 60, and 61.
If you go down to the woods today...
© 2023 Chris Geary
See much more from Chris in Vols 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 30, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 50, 52, and 59!
Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 62, Week One!
This 7-week volume is now complete, and you can use our exclusive Week2Week facility to read all of its episodic strips from their opening to their finale! Just jump from one week to the next via the indicated links in the story pages!
Friends, Here we are again in yet one more terrific volume of the world's greatest onscreen comics art magazine! And though you all know that line as an oft-repeated, clarion call from me that is the actual truth of Aces Weekly, it was something I resisted using as a promo cry when the possibility of using it was first suggested to me by one of the greatest guys I've known in this crazy business. At the time, I had a bullshit firewall set firmly in place to protect everyone in my usual ordinary life from anything similar and it was preventing me from seeing the value of such a claim in its acceptable context as a good, loud, foghorn rallying cry in business. I mention that smart colleague now because his birthday just came round today, though sadly in the absence of him being able to celebrate it. Jim Hudnall was a great writer and one of our great Aces, writing the superb Blue Cat series for us, and many other things for many other publishers in a career that was far too short. If he'd been able to stick around longer he'd almost certainly have acquired the greater success he deserved from his writing. I'm happy I spent a really great time working with him, but I'm especially happy he released me from that unnecessary and frustrating restriction that could have stopped me from telling everyone in that simplest and most perfect way he'd suggested exactly how good we are here at... the world's greatest onscreen comics art magazine... : ) Stay safe all!
Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you! Ask questions, talk to us over at Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!