A mystical journey through time and space continues...
© 2023 Paco Vilchez Barea
Catch up in Volume 60.
Doctor Strange-Glove returns! And it's no better than you'd expect!
© 2023 Phil Whitmore, Bambos Georgiou, and Mychailo Kazybrid
Tobias continues his indomitable progress through a challenging world.
© 2023 Tobias Taitt and Anthony Smith
Continued from Volume 60... Phil and Riot Girl are taking the next step in a mission they've been blackmailed into taking. But what will the next step lead to and can they trust who's leading them..?
© 2023 Roberto Corroto and Ertito Montana
Get more Sicarios in Vols 14,19,23,27,31, 37 and 59 and 60.
Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 63, Week One!
This 7-week volume is now complete, and you can use our exclusive Week2Week facility to read all of its episodic strips from their opening to their finale! Just jump from one week to the next via the indicated links in the story pages!
Friends, If my memory doesn't deceive me, the Secret of the Universe was once revealed as 42. I'm sure I missed referring to that when we hit Week One of Volume 42 of Aces Weekly, when I'm sure I could have used that to clearly signify that our greatness and longevity had been stamped into the very fabric of infinity... or something like that. Anyway, it occurs to me that 63 has a pretty good ring to it too. Plus, in numerical terms, it provides much greater evidence of our greatness and longevity, and so is of even greater significance. So, let's give three cheers for 63! And whether 63 signifies the Secret of the Universe or not, it definitely signifies the path to some of the best and the brightest talent you will ever find in the universe of the comic arts. That's here, right here, at Week One of Aces Weekly Volume 63... Enjoy! : ) Stay safe, y'all!
Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you! Ask questions, talk to us at our blog or at facebook.com/acesweekly. Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!