The return of PI Parker...
© 2023 Lee Robson & Alex Paterson. Letters : Nikki Powers.
Go get more in Volume 53!
After a mysterious entity murders his most faithful apprentice, the kestrel Lazarus, the Blind Seer seeks revenge and new apprentices in the centuries to come. Mysteriously motivated by dreams of the Blind Seer and his world, a young student, Sergio, is impelled to travel to a place of past memory and an encounter with the grand master of anamorphos, while, decades on, a new potential apprentice, Kalu, awaits the Blind Seer's tutelage...
© 2023 Paco Vilchez Barea
Catch up in Volumes 60 and 63!
The only human settlement of marooned travelers on the enormous drifting junkyard in space dubbed The Great Wanderer, has been turned into a prison by the fearsome Ghorro-Bohm Collective Sentience Syndicate and its lackeys, the robotic avatars nicknamed 'diskheads'.
A group of brave men and women who have escaped the occupation have now set up a secret hideout from where they plan to start a rebellion. Can they reclaim their home from its alien enslavers, or will they succumb to the ever-dwindling supply of the basic necessities they need to live and become mere dust specs, piling up on the spacefaring heap like every other piece of space junk it has claimed?
© 2023 Carlos Pascoa
Catch up in Volumes 49,51,53,55,58 and 61!
Where even a famous swordswoman can't guarantee getting a free drink...
© 2023 Chris Geary
Get more of Serraq in Volumes 38 and 59!
Phil Anselmo and Riot Girl have been hired to kill one of the world's richest magnates, but before they can progress with any plans to complete their mission, they are obliged to take part in a contest of combat...
© 2023 Roberto Corroto and Ertito Montana
Get more Sicarios in Vols 14,19,23,27,31, 37, 59, 63 and 64!
Welcome to ACES WEEKLY Volume 65, Week One!
This 7-week volume is now complete, and you can use our exclusive Week2Week facility to read all of its episodic strips from their opening to their volume completion! Just jump from one week to the next via the indicated links in the story pages!
Friends, Some of those considering joining us here at Aces Weekly find they can't adjust to us. It's not like a real comic, they say, which is true, it isn't - it's cheaper, easier to access, faster to buy, much less expensive to produce, and looks better! But those advantages of ours pale in comparison with the ' real ' comics they prefer because we're different and tell a comics story differently - and that's enough for them to shun us, however great the story we may be telling them happens to be. In past responses to such negative reactions I've cited the movies, and how video, then dvds, and then streaming, tell great stories from the movies in different ways but do not find themselves shunned, and have grown cinema to the appreciation of bigger audiences. That example never seemed to work on the resistors in comics readership that I came across, and maybe it never will, but I will keep trying it, as well as all the other means of persuading the diffident that I can imagine might possibly work. The way our particular art of comic storytelling works here at Aces Weekly deserves all possible arguments to be made for it, whether they succeed in the persuasion of the sceptical or not. As the wise man said, trying to succeed only leads to failure when trying to succeed ends... : ) Stay safe in this crazy world, y'all!
Remember, we ALWAYS want to hear from you! Ask questions, talk to us at our blog or at Or send mail to [email protected] to see it right here, whatever you want to say!